Mission and Ministry

Get Involved

Q: How do I get involved in the Church?

A: There are  many ways you can get involved in our Parishes. We appreciate all the gifts, talents, and abilities people bring. Come help with the various committees and ministries and get to know our church family, doing good things for the love of God and all of creation. Contact our clergy or wardens get more information and  get connected! You can do so using the CONTACT US page on this website

So, whether you are looking to explore or deepen your faith, find a welcoming community to build relationships in, and meet lots of really nice people, you’ve come to the right church. See you next week!


All are welcome to bring their gifts, talents, and time to any of the following ministries:

Supporting the Worship Service:

Altar Guild

Altar Guild members maintain the altar linens and hangings for the altar and the pulpit and set up the altar for services (Sunday worship, Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals). They order and set up the flowers, record who has made a donation to purchase the flowers to dedicate in a loved one’s honour, and ensure the flowers are taken to the sick after the service. They take care of the Eucharist vessels, order and supply each service with bread and wine, and order and set up all candles. Guild members order palms for Palm Sunday, invite fellow parishioners to help make small palm crosses for distribution, then burn the remaining palms so the ash can be used for Ash Wednesday services. The Guild also decorates the Church for various holy days, like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving.


These are parishioners with lovely smiles and welcoming hearts who greet each person entering the church. They hand out bulletins for the service and pass the donations plate during the Offering. After the service, they check the pews, remove anything left behind, ensure all books are in place.


Our choir at St. Paul’s and St. John’s, led by Director Brenda Dimoff, welcomes older youth and adults. The choir practises regularly. They continually increase their repertoire by learning new music for many different occasions, and they also lead the congregation in hymns, both favourite and new. Their music is always well-matched to the readings and the sermon for each service and is an important part of the worship experience. 

Reader and Lay Assistant

These two roles are responsible for reading the appointed scripture for the day, and assisting the priest with Communion.

Lay Reader

These are trained leaders within our congregations who prepare and lead Morning Prayer Services in our three worshiping families. They are a valuable and vital part of our Ministry team.

Services to the Regional Ministry / Parish and the Community:

Anglican Church Women ACW

Every woman in every parish in the Anglican Church is considered to be an Anglican Church Woman. Our ACW provides strong support to the parish as well as outreach to our communities. The ACW promotes the love of Christ with our members time, talents and resources… and have great fun doing it!

Pastoral Care Visiting Team

These are parishioners who assist the Clergy in making Pastoral Visits to those parishioners too ill or frail to get out to services. They bring good cheer, prayer, comfort, and Home Communion to those in need of a visit. Our Clergy meets with this group on a regular basis to discuss people’s needs or to alter the list of people requiring/ requesting a visit.